SLS Grips Test Package


We now also offer test equipment for hire, so that you can test the SLS grips without obligation before buying. You can order the test package with a colorful mix of 18 grips like a normal product in the online store as a private person, dealer or for your club. There is only a deposit and a small rental fee. Of course, you will get the deposit back in full when the test package arrives undamaged. You will also receive a voucher for the amount of the rental fee . So this will be fully credited if you choose an SLS grip.

Test case Hoyt: The grips fit limited also on newer Hoyt models without shim (Faktor, Alero, Xceed, X, Xi, XD, Arcos, Xakt, etc.). The interface on the new risers is a bit wider, which is why the grips are only slightly harder to mount in some cases.

WIAWIS test package: In some cases, compatibility problems may occur with newer ATF-X. The interface was widened by WIAWIS. Newly ordered grips fit without any problems on all mentioned WIAWIS risers.

The rental duration begins only when the package has arrived at your place.
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SKU: GR-NR05-1-1 Categories: ,

Individual grip thanks to innovative technology

Our grip technology is unique to date. The grips are manufactured using the SLS (selective laser sintering) 3D printing process. A thin layer of extremely fine powder is applied to a base plate by machine. A laser beam is then used to melt the area in this layer that will later become part of the component. The laser practically scans the component pixel by pixel in this cutting plane. The remaining area remains as loose powder. The next layer of powder is then applied, which is again melted in spots. In this way, the component grows layer by layer. At the end, the grip is in a cube of powder. This is shaken off on a grid and the grip remains. The remaining powder can be reused for new prints, so no waste is created during production.

The result is a monolithic component with a rough surface. The individual layers are hardly recognisable compared to ordinary FDM 3D printing and the adhesive force between the layers is just as high as in the plane. This results in a much higher strength. The component surface can then be smoothed and coloured in various post-processing steps.

SLS technology enables new design freedom for grips. Design elements are possible that were previously not realizable. Grips can be customised even for small quantities because no moulds are needed or machines set up. The surface can be left rough or smoothed for maximum slip resistance. Rain or sweat are also no problem. The surface is open-pored at µm level and thus permeable to water. This prevents the formation of a fluid layer between the skin and the grip surface. The water is absorbed by the material like a sponge and dries again later. This means that the surface adhesion never changes, regardless of whether the grip is wet or dry.

Compatible Risers

Your riser is not included yet? Please send us an inquiry. We are constantly expanding our database to be able to offer our grips for more and more brands.

N0Hoyt, NOVAERYHoyt: GMX, Excel, Prodigy, HPX, Ion-X, Horizon, Prodigy, Alero, etc. NOVAERY: AESTUS, VEGA
N1HoytFaktor, Xceed, X, Xi, XD, Arcos, Xakt, etc.
W0WinWin / WIAWISMeta DX, Radical Pro, TFT-G, Nano TFT, CX-7, ATF-X, Inno CXT, CXT light, ATF, Inno AXT, Winex, Winact-VT
W2WinWin / WIAWIS older models z.B. NX Xpert
G0GilloGT, GX, G1, G2K, CQ, G1M, G1L
F0FivicsTitan EX, Titan NX, Argon X, Skadi
F1FivicsTitan (Attention not Titan EX), Vellator
MK0MK KoreaMK Z, Beta, MK S, L3 Dual Riser, X-ON, MK SD, MKXG
MK1MK KoreaAlpha
SF0Winners (WNS), SFWNS: Vantage AX, Motive FX, Explore DX, Delta NX, Delta NX 2, Delta LX, Quantum AX, Elnath FX SF: Premium+, Forged Plus
K0KineticKinetic Souvren
MY0MYBOWave, Wave X, Elite, Mykan, Talis
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